Sunday, January 30, 2011

30 Days of Blogging

I'm totally jumping on this band waggon =)
Day one: A recent picture of you, and 15 interesting things about yourself.
Well, this is the most recent one I could find.. not the best, but it will have to do.
1. My favorite thing to drink when I go out is a frozen margarita with extra salt. I sometimes will ask for extra, once a waiter even looked at me like I was nuts and said "you know all of that salt isn't good for your heart." Thanks for your 2 cents I guess, but I'm paying for drinks, not medical advice.
2. I hate driving on the freeway, and avoid it at all costs. Even if that means driving an extra hour or so out of my way.
3. I can't stand when people are late, and am always 10-15 minutes early.
4. I'm afraid of the dark.
6. I love the ocean, and wish we still lived in FL so I could take my kids to the beach everyday.
7. I don't like to have sandy feet. If we are going to the beach I will not get into the water unless there is somewhere to rinse my feet off before I get into the car.
8. I love to shop, and get excited to find a good bargain.
9. If I could wear Febreeze as a perfume I would. I love that stuff.
10. I am double jointed.
11. I cloth diapered my son, and loved every minute of it. I wish we didn't have to stop.
12. My husband and my mom really are my best friends.
13. I am afraid of whales, and would probably have a heart attack if I saw one in the ocean.
14. I love to find new uses for old things.
15. My family means the world to me.