Monday, January 31, 2011

Day two: The meaning behind your blog name.

Cow eyes.. just an old nickname from my Dad. He said I had great big eyes like a cow when I was little. I hadn't though about it in a long time until I was searching something about cows on "Google" and I typed in Cow, and one of the things that popped up was "cow eyes" It just made me think of my Dad.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


30 Days of Blogging
day 1- recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
day 2- the meaning behind your blog name
day 3- a picture of you as a child
day 4- a habit that you wish you didn’t have
day 5- a picture of somewhere you’ve been
day 6- favorite super hero and why
day 7- a picture of someone/something that has had the biggest impact on you
day 8- short term goals for this month and why
day 9- something you’re proud of in the past few days
day 10- songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad
day 11- write a bucket list of things you want to do before you die
day 12- write a poem to someone you love
day 13- your 5 favorite books and why
day 14- a picture of you and your family
day 15- put your ipod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play
day 16- a picture of yourself
day 17- someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
day 18- plans/dreams/goals you have
day 19- write about a sweet memory from your past
day 20- write a letter to someone
day 21-a picture of something that makes you happy
day 22- what makes you different from everyone else
day 23- something you crave a lot
day 24- post your favorite quote or verse of scripture and why
day 25- what I would find in your bag
day 26- list 10 things that you are thankful for
day 27- my day job verses my passion
day 28- cruise a thesaurus and pick out 10 words you like the sound of
day 29 – favorite tv shows and why you like them
day 30 – movies you can watch again and again.

30 Days of Blogging

I'm totally jumping on this band waggon =)
Day one: A recent picture of you, and 15 interesting things about yourself.
Well, this is the most recent one I could find.. not the best, but it will have to do.
1. My favorite thing to drink when I go out is a frozen margarita with extra salt. I sometimes will ask for extra, once a waiter even looked at me like I was nuts and said "you know all of that salt isn't good for your heart." Thanks for your 2 cents I guess, but I'm paying for drinks, not medical advice.
2. I hate driving on the freeway, and avoid it at all costs. Even if that means driving an extra hour or so out of my way.
3. I can't stand when people are late, and am always 10-15 minutes early.
4. I'm afraid of the dark.
6. I love the ocean, and wish we still lived in FL so I could take my kids to the beach everyday.
7. I don't like to have sandy feet. If we are going to the beach I will not get into the water unless there is somewhere to rinse my feet off before I get into the car.
8. I love to shop, and get excited to find a good bargain.
9. If I could wear Febreeze as a perfume I would. I love that stuff.
10. I am double jointed.
11. I cloth diapered my son, and loved every minute of it. I wish we didn't have to stop.
12. My husband and my mom really are my best friends.
13. I am afraid of whales, and would probably have a heart attack if I saw one in the ocean.
14. I love to find new uses for old things.
15. My family means the world to me.